Park Gate Down - The Hector Wilks Reserve
Ancient chalk grassland with a very rich flora.
Most people in Kent live within a few miles of a Kent Wildlife Trust nature reserve. From ancient woodlands to meadows and wetlands, they’re just waiting to be explored.
Ancient chalk grassland with a very rich flora.
This remote and tranquil reserve comprises woodland, nesting within an area of pasture and orchard.
The 'Bank' is almost four hectares of chalk grassland on a southeast-facing hillside with commanding views of the Darent Valley.
Tranquil ancient mixed woodland with a stream and ponds.
As you leave the car park, you are greeted by Queendown Warren stretching from one side of the valley to the other. The reserve is a 76.5ha site containing a mixture of Chalk Grassland, open Pasture, and Woodland.
Quilters Wood Reserve is an area of ancient semi natural woodland and chalk grassland situated near Bridge, Canterbury.
Important update: The Visitor Centre is now closed. The country park and gardens will remain open to the public. Please read the update below.
Listen to the rolling waves on the sand and shingle, breathe in the saline scents of the saltmarsh, and watch the wonderful wildlife this very important and sensitive National Nature Reserve has to offer.