Wilder Blean FAQs

The Wilder Blean Team

The Wilder Blean Team

Wilder Blean Expert

We answer your most pressing questions about our ground-breaking wilding project.

Frequently Asked Questions

In July, we released three European bison into West Blean and Thornden Woods with Wildwood Trust as part of the Wilder Blean project. 

We are so pleased to see all of the questions you have asked about this UK-first in conservation. Our expert team have been answering your questions on woodland management, what makes this project 'wilding' rather than 're-wilding', what's so fantastic about European bison as ecosystem engineers, and lots more! 

Click below to explore our most frequently asked question topics.

We need your help to create more space for nature

By donating to Wilder Blean, you will be helping us create a bigger, better, more biodiverse home for wildlife in Kent. Our next step is to ensure the bison can roam through their areas of the Blean, utilizing their natural behaviours and promoting landscape connectivity, whilst keeping the Blean open for the public to enjoy. 

Donate to be part of a new era of conservation

Your support can help us fight for naturally managed habitats and the wildlife that relies on them. Thank you to everyone that donates, engages and supports this ground-breaking project.

Get involved