The poo police
For most of us, a big pile of poo is a pretty unappealing prospect. But for some creatures, there’s no finer sight than a massive mound of dung. By feasting on faeces, these flies, beetles and other waste-loving wildlife prevent poo from building up in pastures, improve soils and even help control pests.
Rollers - the beetles often seen on nature shows, rolling balls of poo across the African savannah - get most of the attention but aren’t found in the UK. Instead, our dung beetles are either tunnellers or dwellers. Tunnellers, like the mighty minotaur beetle, drag dung down into their burrows to feed their larvae, whereas dwellers can spend their entire lives within the confines of a dung pile.
The Maid of Kent Beetle is one such poo loving creature. With a hotspot in North Kent, this very scarce rove beetle is attracted to piles of dung where it feeds on the other insects lurking within.