Roadside Nature Reserves Volunteers Update

Wild flower planting in urban situation, with green-viened white butterfly, Pieris napi, Sheffield city centre - Paul Hobson

Wild flower planting in urban setting by Paul Hobson

Roadside Nature Reserves Volunteering Update

Roadside Nature Reserve Teams Update - Beth Pateman

We’ve had some very wet tasks since New Year to end the RNR practical season, well done to those who still came out in the rain!  Thank you to Karen’s Dover team who helped out the RNR team cutting and clearing the London Road RNR, it’s a really nasty slope to work on but with our combined efforts we got so much done in a day!  Thank you also to Steve Coates, a new volunteer warden who helped to cut and clear a potential new RNR that has Lizard orchids Himantoglossum hircinum and some other chalk loving species.